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HomeEducation872 Students to write Grade Six National Assessment Exams

872 Students to write Grade Six National Assessment Exams

The Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training, and National Excellence will administer the annual Grade Six National Assessment (G6NA) on Thursday, June 1st, and Friday, June 2nd, 2023. This year, 872 students, (404 girls and 467 boys), will be assessed across 63 centers around the island. The exams are set to begin at 7:45 am each day.
On Thursday, June 1st, students will write the Language Arts and Social Sciences
papers, while on Friday 2nd, they will write the Mathematics, Science, and Technology
components. All papers are in multiple-choice format except Language Arts Paper 2,
which will be an essay writing assessment As customary, the Ministry of Education requests that individuals not directly involved with the examinations avoid being on the compound of any testing center while the examinations are in progress.
The Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training, and National
Excellence wishes every student success in the assessments.