Francis Prince, a man with a long list of convictions including theft was spared jail time after he pleaded with the court for a “last chance”.
Prince pleaded guilty to the theft of over 35 pieces of treated lumber between November 23-27, 2024 the property of Patrick Simon of Bath Estate.
Simon who is building a house in Bath Estate, had left on November 23, 2024, and on his return to his property saw the lumbers missing.
A report was made to the police and acting on the information the police went in search of Prince who first denied taking the lumber but in an interview with the police admitted he stole “some lumber” not all that was missing.
The lumbers are valued at EC$4,259.32
Prince begged the court not to impose a “custodial sentence on him stating that he was working and would ask his “bossman” to assist him in paying if a fine was imposed.
The Magistrate informed him that he would be getting an “early Christmas” and was fined $EC4,259.32 and placed on a two-year suspension. The fine must be paid by December 31, 2024 in default he will be jailed for six months.