Twenty-six (26) frontline extension officers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue, and Green Economy completed a one-week training in Integrated Vegetable Crop Management Systems on November 25-28th 2024.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the University of the West Indies (UWI) in collaboration with the project “Improving livelihoods through diversified high-value vegetable crop production in selected agroclimatic zones” TCP/DM1/4001, successfully trained twenty-six ( 26) extension officers within the Division of Agriculture, in the techniques and management of these systems/structures to include protected agriculture, water management and IPM methodologies.
These trainings are held in collaboration with the Ministry to ensure that officers are kept updated and continuously educated and informed on the advances made within the agricultural sector for knowledge transfer to farmers.
The four-day training was held at the Conference Room and Agriculture Station of the Agricultural Science Complex located in One Mile Portsmouth.