Monday, March 31, 2025
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HomeBreaking NewsAnette Sanford is the Opposition Leader's nominee for President of Dominica

Anette Sanford is the Opposition Leader’s nominee for President of Dominica


Former United Workers Party (UWP) Senator Anette Sanford is the Leader of the Opposition’s nominee for the post of President of Dominica.

Pursuant to Section 19(4) of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica, the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Jesma Paul Victor, has written to the Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Joseph Issac, informed him that Mrs. Anette Sanford, of the
Kalinago Territory is her nominee for the election to the office of President of the Commonwealth of Dominica. The election of a new President is expected to take place at the House of Assembly next week as the term of office of the current President, H.E Charles Savarin, expires on October 1st, 2023.

Mrs. Anette Sanford is a Registered Nurse by profession, with over ten (10) years of experience in the field of nursing. She is currently a Clinical Instructor at the Dominica State College. Mrs Sanford is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland in the United Kingdom with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing.

Mrs. Sanford also holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Health Care Administration from St. Lawrence College in Ontario, Canada. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree online in International Public Health at the University of Liverpool, England.
Apart from her impressive academic credentials, Mrs. Sanford has served for many years as a community leader and mentor in the Kalinago Territory. She is currently the Director of the Salybia Mission Project in collaboration with the Ross University School of Medicine in Barbados. This project is geared at improving the quality of health care in the Kalinago Territory.

In addition, between 2020 and 2022, Mrs Sanford served as an Opposition Senator in Parliament and was Shadow Minister of Health and Wellness, Social
Security and Kalinago Affairs.
The position of President is the highest office in the land. In the execution of the duties of that office, the holder must be someone of unimpeachable integrity, impartiality, dignity, and independence and must at all times be prepared to defend the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Having thoroughly examined over several weeks the life and career of our nominee, we in the Parliamentary Opposition are convinced that Mrs. Anette Sanford possesses the qualities needed to be our Head of State at this critical juncture in our country’s development.

It would indeed be a major achievement if our nominee, a woman, and a Kalinago is elected President of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Such a development would herald a great moment for the Kalinago people of Dominica and would also serve as a beacon of hope for indigenous peoples around the world.



  1. “It would indeed be a major achievement if our nominee, a woman, and a Kalinago is elected President of the Commonwealth of Dominica.” Yea, but not this one, nah. We know her and she has nothing of the class, the temperament, the maturity, the knowledge about community building, the diplomatic skills that the office of the Presidency requires. In typical UWPwee fashion, this is making a mockery of the process!

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