A High Court Judge has accepted Rhoda Joseph as “a fit a proper” surety to be used for double murder accused Jonathan Lehrer.
When the court denied him bail, it also raised questions about the suitability of Joseph as surety.
Another bail application was subsequently filed on behalf of the double murder accused and the judge opened bail in the sum of EC one million dollars with stiff conditions set.
Among them was he was to surrender his US nationality. However, Lehrer, through his lawyer applied to the court for a variation of his bail conditions stating among other things that if he was to surrender his US nationality, he was not guaranteed of getting a non-immigrant visa and the medical attention he needed was available in the United States.
The matter was heard before a new Judge who deeded Joseph a “fit and proper surety” but kept the bail sum at EC one million. SEE ATTACHED THE FULL JUDGEMENT
I’m not offering suggestions of any kind or making any aspersions, I just simply and genuinely want to know whether the bail amount of EC$1 million has any relation to or bearing on the value of the deceases’ life.
Not for nothing but having considered the gravity of the crime and the heinous way it was perpetrated upon the two deceased individuals, bail should have been set at EC$5,000,000.00.