On 1st December 2021, the National Joint Action Movement (NJAM) selected its first executive following the fine-tuning of its aims and objectives and a revision of eligibility for membership. During the fifteen months leading up to that point,
NJAM was led by an interim executive chaired by Mr. Anthony E. Le Blanc.
Moreover, membership in NJAM was open to individuals as well as to CIVIC organizations, trade unions, political parties, and faith-based organization organizations.
The interim executive spearheaded the formative work related to the formation and establishment of NJAM. In the deliberation that preceded the formal constituting of NJAM, it was decided that, given the dire need to rescue Dominica from economic, social, and political turmoil, NJAM needs to be very responsive and flexible in seeking to pursue its aims and objectives. It was agreed by the participants that this would be best served if membership in NJAM be only of individuals, not representing any organization, and in that way, NJAM would be well-positioned to take independent decisions and to carry them out expeditiously.
NJAM has now been duly constituted with the signing of an MOU by a number of individuals (participants). The MOU underscores these individuals’ intention that NJAM be at the forefront of galvanizing and organizing a national movement
towards achieving better sustainable development results, improving democratic governance, and protecting democracy in Dominica.
NJAM intends to act in the best interest of Dominica recognizing the grim economic, social and political state of affairs in the country. NJAM shall operate under the principles of respect for autonomy and non-interference in the affairs of other organizations.
The new and first substantive executive of NJAM comprises a slate of capable and fearless individuals. Elected were Economist Kent Vital as the Chairperson; Architect Severin McKenzie as the Deputy Chairperson; Lawyer John Elue Charles as the Secretary; Engineer Anthony E. Le Blanc as the Treasurer; and Small Business Owner and Social and Community Activist Loftus Durand as the Public Relations Officer.
Four other executive members were elected as follows: Regional Consultant on Education Innovations, Project Management, and Strategic Planning – David Edwards; Small Business Owner – Paula Celestine; Former Superintendent of Police – Nicholas George; and Contractor and Social Activist – Earl Bruno.
During the fifteen months leading up to its formal constitution, NJAM engaged in various public sensitization efforts on matters of national interest. These included: the organizing of a virtual conversation on January 1st, 2021, with Dominicans at
home and abroad on the expectations for the new year; and later that month, the convening of the only public national discussion on the construction of an international airport. After these two major activities, the group issued press statements on issues of national importance such as the Mehul Choksi matter, the DPP’s intervention in the treating matter, the Grand Bay bye-election, and a plethora of other issues, while it worked assiduously to arrive at the best mechanism to address the
numerous challenges confronting the nation.
Existing participants in NJAM are highly motivated and are ready to play a strong role in providing the Dominican people an avenue to pursue the benefits of good and accountable governance free from fear and political victimization in pursuit of
a free and just society where every Dominican shall have equal opportunities to enjoy the resources of the nation.
NJAM will appeal to all citizens and institutions to play a role in reducing social fragmentation and turning around the current alarming national trajectory. In this regard, NJAM will immediately seek to have discussions with various institutions of
the State in an attempt to inspire these institutions to make their best efforts to secure a sound future for Dominica.
Moreover, NJAM intends to be action-oriented. Central efforts will therefore involve seeking to economically empower the Dominican people, inspiring young people to be involved in the efforts at attaining a better future and securing free
and fair elections.
NJAM does not seek the further polarization of the nation along political lines but rather it is being convened in the spirit of the Committee for National Salvation that was convened some forty years ago to rescue the nation. The official public launching of the duly constituted NJAM will be on January 1st, 2022 via a radio and social-media event.
As we enter into the new year 2022, NJAM wishes to discuss with the people of Dominica the opportunities for economic
empowerment and for a fresh national start that could spring from adequate electoral reforms. Persons interested in being part of NJAM have a choice to be in any of the five categories of membership – Followers, Grassroots, Premium, Associate and
Corporate. More information will be available at the launch on January 1st, 2022.