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HomeCommentaryAttorney Joshua Francis weighs in on bail conditions of Jonathan Lehrer

Attorney Joshua Francis weighs in on bail conditions of Jonathan Lehrer

The Chief of Police 1st respondent

Director Public Prosecution 2nd Defendant

A cardinal responsibility of the court is to ensure its Orders and Decisions are carried out or enforced.

The Bail Applicant/Defendant obtained bail with 15 bail conditions

In as much as the attached court  decision rests on the voluntary decision of the Applicant/Defendant to satisfy the 15 conditions; 

The Defendant has been returned on remand pending satisfaction with all bail conditions that must be performed before his release.

Are some conditions unconstitutional and unenforceable?

-Do we have tracking devices to place and operate on our citizens? (Condition 12)

Will Mr. Jonathan Lehrer be frustrated from reaping the fruit of the decision to grant him bail due to a conflict of Law between Dominica and the US?

Is our High Court positioned to ask a subject in Dominica for revocation of his citizenship in the US?  (condition 5)

Is our High Court correct in asking someone not to reactivate his US citizenship? (condition 6)

Did the Court intend to overextend its jurisdiction on US  or other Foreign Soil? (condition 10)

Is the Court order herein unconstitutional?

One thing is certain Applicant Defendant Lawyer can apply for variation of bail conditions including change in bail sum and changes or deletion of all bail conditions based on change of circumstances or legal arguments.

Joshua FrancisLLB; LEC, Attorney at Law