Press Statement from RosieSparks Women, Dominica
re the Maternal Death of Nurse Tracy JohnLewis of Silver Lake
On behalf of RosieSparks Women, Dominica, I extend profound condolences to the
family, friends, and professional colleagues of deceased Nurse Tracy JohnLewis of Silver
Lake. A baby nurse and hair artist was stolen from us in broad daylight, her dream was
killed, and Silver Lake’s silver lining turned black with mourning.
The news of her death and fetal demise sent shocking waves of anger, pain, and grief
throughout Dominica including among the DCFH administrators, physicians, midwives,
nurses and auxiliary staff.
According to the WHO Health system failure translates to poor quality care, including
disrespect, mistreatment, and abuse, insufficient numbers of an inadequately trained
health workers, shortages of essential medical supplies, and poor accountability on the
part of the health system authorities.
The Pan American Health Organisation reports that inequalities in socioeconomic
status, ethnicity, education, age, and place of residence all increase the risk of a woman
dying during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Further, it states that 9
out of 10 maternal deaths are preventable with timely access to evidence-based
maternal care. Even on the preliminary information I have gathered as a Registered and
licensed Midwife in Dominica I can categorically conclude that Tracy Johnlewis’s death
was preventable.
In the past several months Dominicans here and abroad have lamented the fact that
Dominica is in that place where our health system has failed. Taking all of the above
into consideration and with a great measure of urgency RosieSparks Women Dominica,
urgently call for a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of Nurse Tracy and Baby Tracy JohnLewis
The Hospital Board Authority and the Ministry of Health of Dominica by extension need
once and for all to redeem itself, step up to excellence in the provision of quality
maternal and general health care to the people of Dominica and all who come to our
Quality Health Care is a right, we therefore demand an RCA account of why 27
year-old Nurse Tracy Johnlewis and her family did not receive quality care and
respectful treatment at the DCFH hence her baby’s death, followed by her demise
on Saturday 20, April 2024.
RIP is simply not enough, neither will be the meeting of all funeral expenses. Tracy
deserved better, her family deserves better, childbearing women and their families
deserve better; Dominica deserves better, so step up or step down!!!!!!!!!
Rosie B Felix
Nurse-Midwife Consultant,
Founder – RosieSparks Women Dominica
Founder Association of Dominica Midwives Inc.
How distasteful to use such an incident as a means to push forth one political agenda.