Catholic Priest Fr. Herman Sharplis said the Late Ken Richards has left a huge mark in Dominica and the region.
Ken Richards died on May 21, 2023, at the age of 67 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital after ailing for some time.
Delivering the homily at his funeral mass on June 12, 2023, at the Roman Catholic Church in his home village of Pointe Michel, Fr. Sharplis who worked with Richards at the now defunct Voice of the Islands (VOI) Catholic Radio Station in Pointe said he took his work seriously and “did it well.”

“While we are here on earth like (Ken) was, we all have an anticipation of that mansion that God has prepared for us. However, the problem with our age and the reason why we cannot stand for what is right, is that too many of us spend our time trying to build a mansion and that mansion is not for the next life for is for this world,” Fr. Sharplis said.
He continued, “The saddest part is, we have to leave it, and for many, when the time comes to leave it (the mansion) they cannot leave it…so don’t get too comfortable because you must leave it.”

Ken he said understood that and “so we need to understand that life here on earth is a dress rehearsal for heaven and so we can’t dare get too attached. We must live hope with God’s love, be truthful, stand for what is right, and stand for justice. It is not bent over to please anyone to have any privileges. Too many people live life for privileges and because of that, we cannot stand for righteousness.
The scripture he stated is very clear, “this world is NOT our own, so don’t get too comfortable and I know some people do. Because if we understand that, then our whole attitude towards each other and life and the things of this world would be different.”
“God gave Ken, talent beyond his expectation…and in the field of journalism and the media, Ken stands supreme. If there is one man who lives and believes in facts, it was Ken,” he posited.
“Many people who are journalists today are fearful to report the news and most times, what they report is what may please the Master. But when you please the Master, you please the human Master, pleasing must be to God because your first commitment, is to tell the truth based on the truth, and as the bible tells us, the truth will set you free. Ken had a Caribbean focus and towards the end of his life he battled serious health issues but he loved life”.
“Ken was a trusted voice and a trusted voice, is a voice that speaks truth to power and pleases only God and not man. Because he was a trusted voice, he delivered accurate and insightful stories to audiences near and far. He was a guiding light for aspiring journalists and musicians alike, his wisdom, mentorship, and unwavering commitment to truth were unmatched. When you stand for truth like Jesus, you will not be loved, you will be hated but when God is for you who can be against you? Ken was a man of truth and integrity he insists on top-quality journalism from those with whom he worked and was deeply committed to helping others” he said.
He ended by reminding the congregation, that “when we can trust God and Jesus, we have nothing to fight for in this life.”
Among regional journalists attending the funeral were close friends and former work colleagues of the late Richards in the persons of Julius Gittens of Barbados and Peter Richards of the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC).