Portsmouth native and Country Manager at Tropical Shipping Dominica, Tamara Lowe, was on December 10th elected as the President of the Women in Maritime Association Caribbean (WiMAC) and will lead the Regional maritime organization, spanning 15 countries, for the next two years.
Lowe, who previously served as the organization’s Vice President of Membership & Administration and who is currently the President of the WiMAC Dominica Chapter, says her time at the helm will be one of inclusion and inspiration.
“My goal is tackling gender-inequality in the maritime industry from the inside out with the main focus of creating a powerful network of inspired women who inspire change.”
Created in 2015 under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization, WiMAC’s mission is to foster the development and participation of women in the maritime sector and contribute to the growth of the industry within the Caribbean. Affectionately known as SEAsters, the members hail from different countries around the Region. Lowe hopes to, with the support of her fellow SEAsters, increase the visibility and impact of the organization and influence more women to seek positions within the sector.
“As women in the maritime industry, we have the knowledge, experience, and skills to be the diversity that we want to see in the industry, but it is only together we can achieve that goal,” says Lowe.
When not dealing with shipping and logistics matters, Lowe an Economics and Strategic Management graduate performs as a spoken word poet serves as a Rotarian, and mentors youth in her community.
She says she is grateful to all who made her win possible and looks forward to dedicated service over the next two years.
“This accomplishment would not be possible without the SEAsters who voted for me at our last AGM, my team at Tropical and friends and family.”
The other members of the newly elected Governing Council are as follows:
- Immediate Past President- Ms. Dwynette D. Eversley, Consultant (Trinidad and Tobago). Vice President of Membership and Administration- Ms. Kemi Linton, Trade and Maritime Specialist, Barbados Port Inc. (Republic of Barbados). Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing- Mrs. Tricia King, Marine Management Area and Habitat Monitoring Officer, Department of Marine Resources (St. Kitts and Nevis).
- Vice President of Research and Development- Ms. Suzette Balkaran, Senior Instructor, Centre for Maritime and Ocean Studies, University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and Energy Efficiency Advisor, Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre (MTCC) Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago).
- Vice President of Women and Development- Mrs. Thecla Joseph-Charles, Director of Fisheries and Marine Resource Management, Turks and Caicos (St. Lucia). Director of Finance- Ms. Ilaisa Lila, Business Support Officer, Maritime Authority Suriname (Suriname).
- Member-At-Large- Mrs. Jennifer Nugent-Hill, Director of Government and Community Affairs, Tropical Shipping, (Florida/United States Virgin Islands). Ms. Valerie Simpson, Operations Manager at WiMAC’s secretariat in Jamaica. Ms. Deniece Aiken,  Acting Director, Corporate Affairs (until the respective officer is elected at the upcoming Special General Meeting).