Saturday, January 18, 2025
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The Board of Governors of the Dominica Employers’ Federation, given the heightened concerns among employers with the number of persons contracting the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus on the island, commends the outstanding work being done by our health professionals and frontline workers In battling the spread of the disease.

Notwithstanding the defense protocols established by the health authorities, the number of people Insolation does not appear to be decreasing to the extent expected. The Board’s mindful of the several remedies being put forward on alternative medication and efforts to boost natural human immunity. These efforts demonstrate the involvement of the global community to find solutions to the challenge, and these efforts must be commended. Our entire focus now is defining what’s good for our country.

The Board of Governors is therefore supportive of a regime of inoculation procedures meant to build resistance against the spread and contraction of the COVIO virus current y plaguing the Dominican economy and society. The vaccines currently are the best inoculation defense we have against the virus.

The Board, therefore, recommends that employers and their employees avail themselves of the COVID vaccines which have proven thus far to be the most effective layer of protection. The Board also recognizes that regular hand sanitizing and the wearing of face masks will improve personal safety against transmitting and contracting the deadly virus. Frequent testing to determine one’s COVID status is A MUST, and the Board strongly supports employers who make this activity mandatory for management and staff so as to enable the employer to comply with the duty of care imposed on him statute and common law.