Reports have surfaced within the National Youth Council (NYC) of a plot in putting a premature end to a program called the “Strong Bodies Strong Minds Pilot Project”.
Nature Isle News (NIN) has obtained documents of an executive meeting of the NYC held on the 28th of May 2021where that decision was taken.
According to research done by NIN, the “Strong Bodies Strong Minds Program’” is sponsored by a Trinidad based charitable organization called “United Way Trinidad & Tobago” and is being supervised by the Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica (CREAD) and implemented by the National Youth Council of Dominica.
The project is said to have a two-year lifespan which started in June 2019 and was introduced under the leadership of Paul Baron- the former NYC president.
The project funding totals EC$250,000 and is presently operated in the communities of Soufriere, Newtown, and Kalinago Territory.
Speaking on very strict conditions of anonymity, a former executive member of NYC revealed that the project provides “programs that enhance physical fitness and creativity”.
“It appears that the current executive met the project in its 18th month and the executive believes that the project is not sustainable hence the NYC is considering ending the project even if funding is still available for continuity,” the former executive member familiar with the project told NIN.
In response to the possibility of an early end, a former caterer who has benefited directly from the program stated “Why would they even consider this…in a time when things are slow due to COVID-19 this added income was a blessing.”
The individual questioned if the executive was concerned “about the children and the families who benefit.”
“In all my life I have never heard of an organization that wants to send back money to a donor. Something is not adding up,” the individual stated.
One educator familiar with the situation and interviewed by NIN also disclosed that she realized that the NYC new executive brought “a different energy” when they came. She stated that she became aware of the possible end over the weekend, and it is “rather unfortunate that an executive would consider ending a program that has contributed so much to the wellbeing of children and they should instead be promoting more programs like these. “I am completely disappointed in this organization,” she said.
Maureen Valmond is the coordinator of the program and was contacted by NIN for a statement however she indicated that she has not been informed of this possibility.
The NYC has been in the negative light since their inauguration 6 month ago. Recently Whitney Melinard, youth activist questioned the 1st vice president’s participation in a political event.
This resulted in the brief suspension of Phael Lander.
According to our investigations, the move to end the program is targeted at one individual and is fueled because of the suspension.
Our investigations also reveal that certain allegations are being made against the co-coordinator of the project that has serious legal implications.
“Certain allegations of alleged wrongdoing fueled by three key top executive members of the NYC and may be due to personal differences with the coordinator and her daughter,” the source stated.
“As you know Whitney is her daughter (the coordinator) and they are still angry that Whitney spoke up. But she (McDougall) should have removed Phael from the team but she wanted him to remain there. See what is happening now.”
NIN did make contact with Ashma McDougall on the matter she first stated that they have not yet made a formal decision on the matter and in the coming month she will reach out to NIN. However, when pressed further based on our investigations on the matter she stated, “I need to first discuss the matter with my executive since I cannot speak for all of them.”
I would really like to comment freely on this but let me just say all stories has two sides just like a book has two covers. News places in Dominica (I realize) only take one side of a story and run with it while bringing down character of innocent individuals that are trying make a positive change. I wish the ENTIRE NYCD EXECUTIVE BODY WOULD SUE THIS COMPANY FOR THIS ARTICLE.
It is really shocking to see how the NYCD has fallen from grace so fast. There is no vision or change only having feuds with their floor mates, running out all the previous administrative staff just to replace them with their family and friends; Terminating an a board official, political scandals and cover ups, forcing out a 2nd member and now ending projects prematurely and getting rid of the Project Coordinator. Is there no limit to what the new administration can do. It is appalling
If i could love this comment i wouldddddddd!!!!