Theme: Reach out to the Vulnerable and Disadvantaged
My fellow Citizens and Residents of Dominica,
As President of the Commonwealth of Dominica, I am indeed delighted on this very special occasion, to communicate with you and to join you in celebrating one of the most important Christian and cultural events of the year – the birth of the Christ Child, Jesus, who was sent into the world to give us love, hope, joy, peace, and life eternal. God gave man the greatest gift – his only begotten Son and despite all of the bad news and devastation in the world, that message of love, hope, joy, peace, and life eternal remains constant.
Therefore, Christmas is supposed to be a season of great joy and meaningful celebration. The birth of Christ Jesus made both heaven and earth rejoice. The angelic hosts exclaimed, “Glory to God” (Luke 2:13-14), and Matthew 2:10-11 tells us that the wise men “rejoiced with exceedingly great joy,” and they adored and worshipped the baby Jesus, by presenting Him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Likewise, the Christian community here on island, in the region and indeed worldwide, joyously celebrates the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour and the Prince of Peace, by sharing special moments with family and friends, baking cakes, and preparing a variety of dishes, consuming lots of food and drinks, decorating our Christmas trees and homes, opening up gifts, filling our churches for the traditional Christmas Mass, attending Christmas parties whether in public or within the confines of our homes, etc.
I love traditions and delightful moments and do not think we should necessarily forego or forget these special holiday moments. I am however concerned, that over the years, the true meaning of Christmas has been overshadowed by an invasive commercialization and consumerism that is causing the fortunate ones who have so much to want so much more. Such practice makes it easy for the fortunate ones to get absorbed in acquiring material things that make them believe that everyone lives the way they do.
Christmas is considered a time of joy, laughter, love, and giving. This is however not the narrative for the vulnerable and disadvantaged out there. While many of us have the privilege of having a merry Christmas, for the vulnerable and disadvantaged, Christmas can be an unpleasant reminder of their lack of happiness, joy, love, and acceptance. A time when they are alone, without family, friends, and individuals by their side, and have no idea where their next meal is coming from.
It is important to be conscious about individuals around us who may not be able to share the same happy, joyful narrative that we have, because of the unfortunate circumstances they are faced with. The Christmas story epitomizes the spirit of giving (John 3:16). The onus is therefore on each one of us to make a concerted effort to reach out to our vulnerable and disadvantaged brothers and sisters who are hungry, homeless, naked, and sick, and/or imprisoned. Make some time to pay them a visit, to gift them with care packages, to provide them with a meal, and to be a listening ear.
Mother Theresa once said: “When a person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed.” Jesus also encouraged us to use our personal gifts or talents and even warned, that much is expected from those who are given greater talents and abilities. Let us therefore be contributors to the well-being of the less fortunate around us; help bring a smile to their faces this Christmas.
Be mindful that the Christmas celebration which does not look out for the poor and needy is meaningless before God. One iota of good can make a world of difference. I am very compassionate to our vulnerable and disadvantaged citizens, namely our children, elderly, and shut-ins and hence take great interest in their welfare. This was made evident by the resolve and commitment pronounced by me in my Inaugural Speech delivered on the 2nd day of October 2023.
I promised to use the prestige of my high office to advocate on behalf of our vulnerable citizens and look forward to reaching out to them. At a recent meeting of the President’s Charities Foundation, a Social Program Committee was formed to formulate workable social plans and programs geared at assisting to enhance the lives and livelihoods of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our midst. I excitedly await the beginning of a new year to meet and interact with the various stakeholders in an effort to undertake this very worthwhile and transformative project as outlined by the Committee. During Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. I implore you to take advantage of this season for reconciliation, to forgive all those who may have wronged you, and to be peacemakers at home, in the community, in the church, and at the workplace.
We live in a world where fellow human beings are engulfed in chaos, pain, fear, death, war, and conflicts. May all of us use this opportunity to reflect and pray for victims of war, injustice, abuse, and other forms of violence, for peace and cessation of war and conflicts in the world.
2023 has been a very challenging year, filled with many strange and tragic happenings, leaving many people in pain and sorrow. I pray that all those who are hurting will experience the solace, peace, and love of God as they mourn the loss of their loved ones. In spite of whatever you may be going through, do not give up. Let us rest our hope on Jesus our Saviour. He is the reason for the Season. The God that we serve has never failed on His promises. He has been with us through thick and thin and will continue to remain with us to sustain us and to provide for our every need.
Despite the many global challenges and difficulties, we have as a government and people proceeded with a series of plans and programmes that are geared at ushering our country into a new development thrust. We certainly have every reason to rejoice and celebrate this Christmas and to look to the future with great optimism. Let us not, during the Christmas Season and in the advent of a New Year, entertain any negative thoughts but rather, adore and worship the Lord Jesus by acknowledging who He is and what He has done for us. Let our souls magnify the Lord and our spirits rejoice in God our Saviour, as we wait in joyful hope for a better and brighter future and most importantly, for the second coming of our Lord and King. To those who are working on Christmas Day, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We appreciate your dedication and hard work. To those who are not in the best of health, our thoughts are with you. May you experience God’s healing.
My husband Gilbert and other members of my family join me in extending to all of you and your family, our best wishes for a Blessed and Joyous Christmas Season and a new year filled with God’s abundant love and countless blessings. Let us show love, bring peace, and make a difference in the lives of others. Merry Christmas!
I thank you.