Sunday, February 23, 2025
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The Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilient Project (EALCRP) of the MoBGEANFS this week commenced a two-week training of twenty-five (25) boat builders and their assistants.

The training is two-phased, facilitated virtually and in-person by Consultant Naval Architect, Mr. Derrick Menezes from India. Phase 1 is the theoretical training component, that took place in June14-22 2022. Phase 2 is the practical training that allows participants a hands-on approach to the construction of the plug and mould and will run from July 4 2022 until early September 2022.

Project Background

Following the devastation of Hurricane Maria in September 2017, the Government of Dominica with the financial support of the World Bank started the implementation of the “Dominica Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilience Project (DEALCRP). The Project is designed to help farmers and fisher folk affected by Hurricane Maria restore their agriculture and fishing livelihoods and adopt climate-resilient practices. 

The project has three components: 

  1. Restoration of the Productive Base for the Recovery of Agricultural Livelihoods 
  2. Restoration of Key Productive Infrastructure and Institutional, Livestock and Forestry. 
  3. Project Management and Coordination  


  • To contribute to restoring Agricultural livelihoods and enhancing the climate resilience of farmers and fisher folks affected by Hurricane Maria in Dominica. 
  • To contribute directly to Dominica’s National Agricultural Policy and Action Plan 2025 identified several key needs for agricultural development, including a more modernized agriculture sector, increased farm productivity, and overall climate resilience of the country’s agriculture and food systems. 

    The direct beneficiaries of the project are crop and livestock farmers, fisher folks, and producer organizations affected by Hurricane Maria.