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APP expresses concern over spate of gun violence in the country

Dominica has seen an increase in gun violence in recent times and the Alternative Peoples’ Party (APP) is gravely concerned and heartbroken. In a friendly country like Dominica, we do not expect to hear of such unfriendly acts. As a Christian nation, it catapults us to the harsh reality of how far we are from upholding the biblical values we cherished just a few years ago.

Our nation is suffering at the hands of individuals who feel that it is ok to take the life of their fellow brother. This new trend sends a chilling message, that life is not valuable anymore and forces us to ask, where we have gone wrong as a nation.

We need to examine the root causes of gun violence in our society. As a nation, we have witnessed the breakdown in the fabric of the economic and social life of the community. We have borne witness to some in authority commit illegal acts and go unpunished. We have seen an incompetent justice system that leads citizens to think that taking the law into their own hands is the best way to obtain justice. There are so many unsolved murders and still no investments in forensic experts. These are all factors that encourage gun violence.

We need to find solutions in the interest of all. An APP government will address the underlying contributions to gun violence and put preventative measures in place. We will enact stiffer penalties for possession and use of illegal firearms and promote a culture where gun violence is completely unacceptable.

An APP government will recognize gun violence as a critical and preventable public health problem and will develop policies to help in eradicating this issue. We will nurture a people who will look for peaceful solutions to conflict and not violence.

The Alternative Peoples Party pleads with its people to try and solve their problems in a holistic, non-violent manner so that peace and love can triumph in our land. Too many mothers are suffering, and too many of our children are now fatherless.

APP sympathizes with the families of all affected and we pray for strength for them, we do hope that everyone involved will heal in time and that justice will prevail.

God Bless Dominica.