Inspector of police Jeffery James has arrested and charged Brian Linton who is the brother of Opposition Leader Lennox Linton for incitement to commit Treason.
Brian Linton was picked up by the police at his home in Marigot in the early hours of Wednesday, February 23, 2022, and brought to Police Headquarters for questioning.
He remained in police custody overnight and on February 24, 2022, Linton (Brian) was brought before the Magistrate’s court where the charge which is an indictable offence to be tried at the High Court by a judge and jury was read to him.
He is represented in the matter by attorney at law David Bruney. Acting Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Sherma Dyrample and State attorney in the office of the DPP Marie-Louis Pierre-Louis is representing the State in the matter.
According to the charge read in court, (today February 24, 2022) on October 13, 2020, Brian Linton on the Q95 FM Radio Show “Talk on the Block” hosted by Matt Peltier made certain comments…
“Matt, what the other police officers need to seriously consider at this time, Matt is to be making a coup, Matt. And I said that with no reservation.
The other Police Officers need to take a decision to arrest this situation that is developing in Dominica. Because they are aware how the police Force is being politicized and weaponized Matt against the people of Dominica.
And we know that the majority of them are not for that. So, the majority of Police Officers need to organize themselves Matt and remove the current leadership, the current stogy of the Police Force Matt.
Remove them from office Matt forcibly. Take over the Force. Bring order to the Force. So, we know Matt, the reality of the Police Force, the nature of the Police Force, the gang, the Skerrit gang that we are dealing with.
So, it is the duty now of the Police Officers who decide to stay their Matt, to act physically, forcefully Matt to remove those gangsters from the leadership of the day.
Crank up your 45, do what you have to do my brother, remove them boss because they destroying you, they destroying your profession, they destroying the country and you have all the proof that you need to act accordingly. Get rid of these thugs and the rogues my brother.” See attached copy of the charge.
The Bail Act 20 of 2020 under section 7 (1) (b) states that “bail shall be denied for the Treason and “the court shall not grant bail to the defendant unless it is satisfied that appropriate circumstances exist to justify the granting of bail….”
The State is not objecting to bail and so the matter. And after being placed on the witness stand and questioned by his lawyer, Brian (Linton) said he was not a flight risk, was not afraid of his life and he is not aware of any threats against him. He undertook not to speak on the matter in the media and will not speak to or try to influence any witnesses in the matter.
The prosecution then stated that they were satisfied he had met the threshold for bail so too was Magistrate Michael Laudat and bail was granted in the sum of $75,000.00 with Ardler Hamlet as surety. More to follow.
Nature Isle News (NIN) will follow the matter in court and update accordingly.
So was he bailed or not?