Judges of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC) have dismissed the appeals of convicted rapist Mathis Alson Woodman v The State.
In 2016, Woodman, then aged 37 was convicted for rape, incest, and indecent assault of his sister.
The summary facts, mitigating, and sentencing
According to the facts, Woodman in November 2015 at Palm Groove brought his sister in an isolated area and forced himself on her, and had sex with her against her wishes.
In the social inquiry report, Woodman maintained his innocence, showed no remorse, and stated that he was “incriminated by his sister and her mother over the estate of his late father who had died last year”.
The maximum sentence for rape is 25 years; incest 10, and, indecent assault 7 years.
In its submissions, the prosecution stated that the use of force by Woodman on his sister was also aggravating the breach of trust and she was suffering from physical and emotional scars because of the incident.
Before sentencing, Justice Victoria Charles-Clarke said that the aggravating factors far outweigh the mitigating.
She pointed out that there was a breach of trust since the sister felt safe with him to have gone into the river after 10 pm and he used force to subdue her for his attack. She said that he pinned her down and held her hands behind her back resulting in her sustaining bruises.
The incident she said has left an adverse effect on the sister who said that she wished that she was “dead.” She also claims to receive panic attacks whenever she thinks of it and “hates men” and is always traumatized whenever she passes in the area. She said that she is also being ridiculed by members of the family.
Justice Charles-Clarke set the benchmark for rape at 12 years and according to her given the gravity of the matter added 3 and so imposed 15 years for rape; for incest, she set the benchmark at 6 years and added one and imposed 7 years while for indecent assault she imposed 2 years. The sentences are to run concurrently.
Zena Moore Dyer filed that appeal on his behalf and it was argued in the April 2022 Session of the Court of Appeal sitting in the Commonwealth of Dominica and the judgment was reserved.
The matter was prosecuted by Sherma Dalrymple who was State Attorney at the time. The Appellant challenged the directions of the judge and his lawyer argued that among other grounds “he could not be convicted of rape incest and indecent assault together.”
In its ruling, the court upheld the convictions and sentence and explained that they have found “no reasons to disturb the verdict of the jury, the summation of the trial judge and her sentence.”
Acting Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Sherma Dalrymple led the State’s case with assistance from State Attorneys Daina Matthew and Marie Louise Pierre- Louis.
Why the rest of the family does not come out and speak the truth. It’s is said that there were used to sleeping with onenother and that particular night was used as entry into the over the estate.
It is sad however the case may be and he should have not had any interest in his sister no matter what.
This woman however don’t seem traumatized ot hate men in anyway since my cousin and I have been monitoring her since and can provide her with a list.
I still give the brother all the wrong, but truth is truth and justice is justice.
And where exactly could the rest of the family come with the truth to make a difference? With our poor justice system all seemed against him, once you know somebody who knows somebody all rules in your favor.
On the other hand he should be the on being ridiculed by family not him? She is cynical and has absolutely no idea what she put this family through.
The both Saint Martin trips were by me and at me and her abrupt reruns based on her character had nothing to do with him.
According to her she went through the fire to burn or to learn, I’m hoping she did both. And no she does not hate men since she ask that people hold on to theirs because she likes people own.
It’s rather shameful how she keeps the property she made such a mess of herself with.
Truth is he’s the victim.
The better question is why is it the rest of the family iagainst her and not him.
My brother is the victim in this case period.
Day of court she was going through the fire to burn or to learn according to her on social media.
2 months after his conviction she publicly ask people to hold there man before they end up next so that to me is not being afraid of man.
This girl is cynical and welfare needs to protect her little girl because sadly she will fall victim too.
It’s a shame she made such a mess of herself for a property she keeps in such a poor state.
This same matter drove her mother to the grave with grief over the misery they put him through i’m sure her life is a living hell right about now.
Ask about Saint Martin? Her first trip drove me crazy she cried night and day to disclose to her niece she think she’s pregnant? Took her to doctor only to say she never had sex. Like really which high school graduate don’t know what it takes to get pregnant?
Second trip, i took her and her baby to start a life but I was not ready to put up with her character, hence the reason she was posted back which had nothing to do with him.
Following this matter she claim she had cancer took donation from people to help her chemotherapy treatment In Guadeloupe to find out she don’t have an ounce of cancer.
Her shameless self didn’t just put him but her whole family through trauma and thanks to our poor justice system this was another fail she got it her way.
Let her story continue