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Convicted sex offender jailed for 5 years

Portsmouth resident 67-year-old Peter Lovell has been slapped with a five-year jail sentence by Justice Wynante Adrien-Roberts for his indiscretion on a 6-year-old girl back in April 2020.

In June 2022, Lovell pleaded guilty to the crimes of unlawful sexual connection and indecent assault on the six-year-old girl before Justice Wynante Adrien-Roberts.

She had deferred sentencing and ordered a social inquiry report and remanded the sexual convict despite a plea for bail by his lawyer Wayne Norde.

Brief facts of the case

Lovell, then aged 65 resided at Glanvillia Portsmouth and was the boyfriend of the grandmother of the girl who called him “Grandpa.”

On April 14, 2020, the child and her brother were left in his care and sometime later the child was not seen, and the brother went looking for her and saw Lovell with her on a mattress touching her up and playing with her private parts. On seeing the brother who caught him in the act, Lovell put his finger on his lips to indicate to the child, “don’t talk.”

However, he reported the matter, and the police were called, the child said he “licked her private part, repeatedly touched her all over, and fingered her.” She said because of his actions she became “scared of him.”


Justice Adrien-Roberts stated that incarceration is not the only tool for rehabilitation and the prison in Dominica is not equipped with the necessary tools to help inmates who are incarcerated with such crimes.

The child she stated suffered physically and psychologically because of the actions of Lovell and although the social inquiry report states that he was “remorseful for his actions and feels bad about it,” he was a person of “trust” in the family, and he was caught in the action by another minor who he told not to talk.

The offense carries a maximum sentence of 14 years in jail. Lovell at age 67 had no previous convictions. After going through the sentencing guidelines as stipulated by the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, she reached a prison starting point of 9 years and 4 months and it was reduced to 8 years 6 months for no aggravating factors, his guilty plea although not early resulted in his 1/3 reduction bringing the sentence to 5 years 8 months.

He also benefited from time spent on remand 262 days bringing his sentence down to 4 years and 9 months. He then informed the court that he was suffering from prostate cancer and a note from the Judge indicated that she had requested a medical report on his conditions according to his lawyer, that was requested but was “not forthcoming.”



  1. What’s wrong with these people in the so-called justice shitstem who are supposed to do justice in favor of the children and victims in such cases? It seems like the liars (lawyers), judges and magistrates take pleasure in having criminals loose, cause it serves their purpose! I say that rapist pervert should be hanged by his balls! I personally will not seek justice from any court on that slave plantation mentality island, if anyone does that to a child in my family! I’ll do justice myself!

    • 5 years is too little.
      Come on man judge, a 6 year old baby wee. And a big 65 year old man at that time. Come on man! Sad!

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