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HomeDisasterDaily weather forecast valid 6am April 27th 2023

Daily weather forecast valid 6am April 27th 2023

Daily Weather Forecast

Valid from: 6:00 AM on Thursday, April 27, 2023

Synopsis: Weak unstable conditions are affecting the area

Forecast for Today and Tonight:

Mostly cloudy with a few, light to moderate afternoon showers

Wind: SE @ 10 to 20 km/h

Sea Conditions: Slight to moderate

Waves: Up to 1.5 meters or Up to 5.0 feet.

Warning/Advisory: None at this time

Sunrise: 5:44 AM

Sunset: 6:22 PM

Low Tide: 1:45 AM and 4:24 PM

High Tide: 8:08 AM and 11:02 PM

Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles

Valid from: 6:00 AM on Thursday, April 27, 2023

Lingering moisture and instability following the passage of a surface to low-level trough are expected to continue supporting cloudiness and scattered showers, particularly over the central and southern portions of the Lesser Antilles during the next 12 to 24 hours. Relatively light winds and strong daytime heating will be evident throughout the week.    

Slight to moderate seas are anticipated during the next 48 hours, with waves peaking to 5.0ft along the eastern coastline.

Please visit the website for more information at:

For more information, call: 4491752 or 6184490

Please note that a greater degree of cloudiness, more frequent rainfall and higher rainfall amounts are normally experienced across the east coast and interior of Dominica.

Prepared by: Vernie M-Honore (Forecaster)