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HomeDisasterDaily weather forecast valid 6am June 29th 2022

Daily weather forecast valid 6am June 29th 2022

Daily Weather ForecastValid from 6:00 AM on Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Synopsis: Weak unstable conditions are affecting the area

Forecast for Today and Tonight:

Partly cloudy to cloudy, windy, and slightly hazy with isolated moderate to heavy showers

Wind: E to ESE @ 20 to 45 km/h with higher gusts

Sea Conditions: Moderate to rough

Waves: 2.0 to 3.0 meters or 7.0 to 10.0 feet.

Warning/Advisory: A Small Craft Warning is in effect

Sunrise: 5:37 AM

Sunset: 6:39 PM

Low Tide: 11:25 AM and 10:13 PM

High Tide: 3:53 AM and 5:37 PM

Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles

Valid from: 6:00 AM on Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Lingering moisture and instability following the passage of Potential Tropical Cyclone Number 2 over the southern Windward islands are expected to continue affecting the area. Cloudy spells with periods of brief, sharp showers are expected across parts of the island during the next 12 to 24 hours.  Slight haze and windy conditions will be evident.

Meanwhile, a tropical wave in the central Atlantic is being monitored for development. This wave is expected to begin affecting the island chain on Friday. Residents are advised to monitor the progress of this disturbance.

Moderate to rough seas are anticipated during the next 24 hours, with waves peaking at 10.0ft in eastern coastal waters. A Small Craft Warning is in effect for above normal seas. Small craft operators and sea bathers are advised to stay out of the water.