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HomeDisasterDaily weather forecast valid 6am May 20th 2022

Daily weather forecast valid 6am May 20th 2022

Synopsis: A high-pressure system is the dominant feature

Forecast for Today and Tonight:

Fair to partly cloudy and hazy with isolated showers

Wind: ENE to ESE @ 10 to 30 km/h

Sea Conditions: Slight to moderate in open water

Waves: 1.0 to 2.0 meters or 3.0 to 7.0 feet.

Warning/Advisory: None at this time

Sunrise: 5:35 AM

Sunset: 6:28 PM

Low Tide: 12:36 AM and 2:45 PM

High Tide: 7:03 AM and 9:17 PM

Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles

Valid from 6:00 AM on Friday, May 20, 2022

A high-pressure system will support a relatively dry and stable atmosphere across the area during the next 24 to 48 hours. Occasionally breezy conditions will be maintained.

A Saharan dust plume is expected to be maintained over the island during the next 24 to 48 hours resulting in a reduction in visibility. People with respiratory sensitivities should take the necessary precautions to avoid complications. 

Slight to moderate seas are anticipated during the next 24 to 48 hours, with waves peaking near 7.0ft in eastern coastal waters. Mariners should exercise caution for periods of reduced visibility in haze.

please visit the website for more information at:

For more information, call: 4491752 or 6184490

Please note that a greater degree of cloudiness, more frequent rainfall, and higher rainfall amounts are normally experienced across the east coast and interior of Dominica.

Prepared by: Vernie M-Honore (Forecaster)