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HomeEducationDr Jeffery Blaize and Robert Guiste Chief Education Officer and Assistant

Dr Jeffery Blaize and Robert Guiste Chief Education Officer and Assistant

Exclusive interview with newly appointed Assistance Chief Education Officer Robert Guiste

  How did you feel when you first got the news that you were being appointed?

The news came as somewhat of a surprise.  We all strive for better at what we do so I knew that I would have wanted to get to that position eventually and expressed my interest in doing so.  But I was elated when I got the news.  Elated, yet anxious because I would be replacing Dr Blaize who left some huge shoes to be filled.

2.      How many years have you been in the field of education?

Honestly, I planned on teaching for just one year before moving on, because at the time teaching or education was not my main goal.  But my career, and my passion, started as a primary school teacher at the Roseau Boys’ school in 1993.   During the first interview with the Principal, Mrs Isaline Titre, I was shocked at her comment – “Mr Guiste, I am giving you a class to handle for me”.  That was the form 3 class of the Junior Secondary Programme (JSP), so you can imagine how I felt as a new teacher.  But I went on to have most of those students be successful at the JSP exams, and before I knew it, I was in year two of impacting and developing the lives of the students and I was glued to education.

I then went on to the Teachers Training college where I emerged valedictorian and later went on to pursue studies at the UWI – Cavehill where I attained a bachelor’s degree in educational Measurement. I also hold a master’s in education Degree from UWI-Mona. From 2005 – 2015, I was appointed Education Officer for Measurement and Evaluation followed by Senior Education officer for Curriculum, Measurement and Evaluation from April 2015-July 2022.

During my tenure, I served as the National Focal point for the OECS/USAID Early Learners Programme, OECS/GPE Curriculum and Assessment, and the focal point for the Curriculum and Assessment component of the OECS PEARL.  I was also a part-time lecturer for Educational Media and Technology at the Dominica State College faculty of Education.

So, you can say I have been marinating in the education field for almost thirty years and I still love every minute of it.  It happened almost by accident, but I have no regrets.

3.      Do you think you will face any challenges transitioning into this position?

With every new position in any institution, there will always be challenges to be faced. However, being in education for practically my entire life, and working with a lot of different personalities, I stand ready and willing to face any challenges which may come my way. Besides, I know that my support team, both at work and at home will be there to continue carrying me through and with God, on my side, I will be able to handle all challenges.

4.      What sparked your interest in this field (Education)?

As I indicated earlier, my teaching career started at the JSP section of the Roseau Boys’ School, a school that I attended as a child growing up in Roseau. and although I planned on staying there for only 1 year, the challenges I saw the young men going through both with academics and family life, I felt that I could make a difference, especially after the success I encountered with the group I had in my first year. With mentors like Sir Luther, Mrs Sarah Jno Baptiste, Mrs Eunice Thomas and especially, Mrs Isaline Titre – the principal, who still looks out for me today, I felt that I could do even more. Some of the students that I taught – Mr Benji, Shayne Shillingford, Damien Boghart, and I could go on and on – still look up to me today.  And I look up to some of them too. I blame some of my past students for having me in Education though – some of them even called me daddy.  

5.      What goals do you have following your transition to this new position?

I have not yet set all the goals for this new role since I am still learning the functions. However, my first role is to get us, the whole of Dominica, to begin to REIMAGINE EDUCATION. This is the theme that we will be rolling out into the new school year.

I want US to aim to improve the achievements of students, not only academically but in all areas – skills, social, emotional life etc. I aim to foster greater relationships between schools and parents and have parents play a greater part in the life of their schools. I also aim to begin to close the gender gap between male and female students. I aim to get teachers to really LOVE their jobs.

The Ministry of Education has been doing a lot of work but for too long, this has been going unnoticed, I want to bring the Ministry of Education out to the public and bring the public into the Ministry of Education.

I aim to have us reimagine education where we live up to our theme “EVERY CHILD SUCCEEDS.”



  1. Congratulations Mr. GUISTE.
    Interesting interview. As a teacher myself, I look forward to the change. All the best.

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