Roseau, Dominica- March 31, 2022: The Government of Dominica has extended the filing and payment due date for income tax returns and payments to May 31, 2022.
Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Roosevelt Skerrit said the measure is in response to requests from the public based on the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals’ livelihoods and business operations.
“As a Government, which continues to listen to the concerns of every Dominican citizen and resident, we have, therefore, taken a decision, to extend the filing and payment due date for income tax returns and payments due today March 31, 2022, for Income Year January 2021 to December 2021. The new due date for filing these returns is May 31, 2022,” Prime Minister Skerrit said.
He said the additional time will allow businesses to complete their paperwork as well as amass additional funds to meet their obligations.
“We are happy that we are in a position to assist. COVID-19 has had a negative impact on countries across the world. Governments, businesses, and individuals have all been affected. We in Dominica are no exception. It is a prolonged storm that we have to weather collectively.
“This measure, I am sure, will bring some relief, particularly to business owners, as together we devise ways to continue to build a resilient, sustainable economy and country,” the Prime Minister stated.