12 year old Miracle Thomas a first form student of the Portsmouth Secondary School (PSS) is the first recipient of the Committee of Concerned Lawyers (CCL) Kervin Williams Memorial Scholarship.
That presentation was made earlier this week at the chambers of Singoalla B. Williams in the presence of members of the CCL.
According to Mrs. Williams, the scholarship is in memory of her late husband who passed in January 2020. “He placed a lot of emphasis on education and that is how I want him to be remembered. We in CCL are trying to help the less fortunate in our communities and see how we can uplift another human being,” she said.

Miracle was chosen from a field of four (4) applicants and the scholarship will be for a five year period with satisfactory school grades. The group also is hoping to offer scholarship for someone to attend university in the near future.
For Miracle Thomas, it was a dream come true as he expressed appreciation and gratitude to the CCL and pledged to do his best at school. “I express sincere gratitude for all those who made it possible for me to receive this prestigious scholarship…my family and I are very elated by your kind and generous gesture. Things have not been easy but God has always made it happen, I pledge to make you all proud and do my best as I embark on my educational journey,” he stated.