After living rent-free for almost five years at least one resident from a southern community will no longer be getting a free ride.
In August 2015, Tropical Storm Erika caused tremendous damage to Dominica’s infrastructure. The village of Petite Savanne suffered the brunt of the damage including several losses of lives and property.
In a direct response to their plight, the Government of Dominica stepped up and made housing available to the residents and in many cases paid the various landlords on behalf of those displaced.
In a letter obtained by this publication, dated 3rd June, 2020, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Community Development, Lucien Blackmoore, informed one particular resident that Government would no longer be footing the “rent bill” as of June 30th, 2020.
According to the Permanent Secretary, the Government’s Rental and Displacement Allowance program will no longer exist.