The Police Welfare Association – PWA – is making it clear that it is in full agreement with the high ranking officer selected to be the Acting Chief of Police – Lincoln Corbette.
Association Chairman, Corporal Jefferson Drigo is confirming that Corbette, who holds the rank of Deputy Chief of Police, was the PWA’s choice for Acting Chief of Police.
“We would like to commend the Government of Dominica for agreeing with our recommendation in this instance,” Drigo said in a statement.
Corbette’s acting appointment as Chief of Police comes in the wake of Police Chief Daniel Carbon going on leave effective September 1, 2020, until September 30, 2021.
“The executive and members of the PWA would like to extend congratulations to Mr. Lincoln Corbette in being promoted to the rank of acting Chief of Police. Sir, we salute you and wish you all the best in your tenure in this office,” Drigo stated.
Explaining that he wants to see benefits accruing from that appointment, Corbette said too that “As you take up this key leadership position in the police force, the membership would like to see a work environment with no victimization, the elimination of gossip and tale-bearing and promotion base on the criteria’s as stated in the police regulation…qualification and competence.”
Drigo also indicated that the membership would like to see the return of police week activities which have not been celebrated for over eight years.
Other activities he is hoping to find favour with Acting Chief Corbette: the police unity and Jour Overt Band and the Police Cadet Social.
The PWA and Chief of Police Daniel Carbon have had a rocky relationship since Carbon took up the post of Police Chief in 2012/13.
Members of the Association staged a march through the streets of Roseau last year in protest of what they described as “poor working conditions, promotions not based on competence and qualifications and also victimization.”
They have also staged “sickouts” and written several protest letters to Carbon.