Taj Burns of Canefield who on May 27, 2022, on Cross Lane in Roseau stole from the neck of Frederica Alexander Durand a gold chain valued at $1,500.00 and a goldfish pendant valued at $2,500.00 pled guilty to the offense of “theft” before Chief Magistrate Candia Carette George.
According to the fact of the case, as read by police prosecutor Inspector Davidson Cadette, on Friday, May 27, 2022, at about 9:30, Durand was walking on Cross Lane next to JR’s bar when Taj Burns grabbed her chain and pendant from her neck and ran.
Find the attached video of the incident captured on CCTV- https://natureisle.news/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/IMG-20220527-WA0032.jpg
Although she was able to hit him with a bag, she had in her hand he made good his escape and was able to evade onlookers who attempted to apprehend him.
She then reported the matter to the Roseau police station and several searches for Burns proved futile. The court was told that the mother of Burns subsequently called Durand apologizing to her about the incident and telling her that she had recovered the chain.
Burns was picked up by the police on July 31, 2022, and arrested and charged with the offense of theft. The goldfish pendant was not recovered.
When asked by the court for an explanation for his actions he stated that “I was frustrated.”
“I will not send you to jail because you are a first-time offender and did not waste the court’s time, but I don’t expect to see you again before me and do hope that this is a learning experience for you,” Chief Magistrate Carette-George told him.
“Try your best to stay on the right side of the law and work to get what you want.”
For the theft of the lost pendant he was to pay compensation of $2,500.00 by October 31, 2022, and also a further $2,000.00 by February 28, 2023, in default of the payments he will spend six months in jail.