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HomePoliceElectoral Reform Coalition (ERC) ectends solidarity with Truckers

Electoral Reform Coalition (ERC) ectends solidarity with Truckers


The Electoral Reform Coalition (ERC) strongly condemns the actions of Officers of the Dominica Police Force, under the leadership of Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica, and Rayburn Blackmore, Minister for National Security and Immigration for the unprovoked and indiscriminate use of tear gas against peacefully assembled truck drivers who were demanding the right to work and benefit from the millions of dollars exclusively being paid to the Chinese contractors for the construction of the international airport at Wesley, as well as other Public Sector Investment Projects taking place on Island.
Dominican truckers have been disregarded and denied employment on these Projects, especially on the international airport project, while the Chinese contractors are allowed to bring in trucks, equipment, and labourers that Dominicans have the capability of providing.

The cost of these Projects is estimated to be in the region of two (2 billion) dollars, ninety percent (90%) of which are likely to be expatriated outside of Dominica at the expense of the island’s economy and most importantly the non-contribution to the Dominica Social
Security to cater to the workers of Dominica at their pensionable age.

Dominican truck drivers have been plunged into economic distress through an inability to meet their financial obligations to their families, loved ones, and financial institutions. All efforts to bring their plight to the attention of the Government of Dominica have been ignored, and as a matter of last resort, they decided to exercise their constitutional right to protest in the most effective manner that would allow the Government of Dominica to respond positively to the truckers’ concerns.

But lo and behold, the dictatorial regime of Roosevelt Skerrit has unleashed a barrage of teargas on the peaceful protesters and the residents of the Canefield Housing Scheme, including a children’s daycare.
This brutal response of the Prime Minister, Minister of National Security, and the
Officers of the Dominica Police Force are unacceptable and the ERC is appealing to all sectors of society, including the churches, trade unions, political parties, and regional organizations such as the OECS and CARICOM, to condemn the brutality of the Roosevelt Skerrit Administration and persuade the Government of Dominica to treat its citizens with respect and dignity.

The ERC extends its solidarity with the truck drivers and all other sectors affected
by the vicious policies of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and his Government.



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