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Police Welfare seeking a 21 percent salary increase for its members over three years

The Police Welfare Association (PWA) has submitted its proposals to the government for a salary negotiation for the period 2021/2024 and is seeking an across-the-board 21 percent for three years.

In an exclusive interview with Nature Isle News (NIN), Chairman of the PWA Seargent David Andrew Jr, explained that for the period 2021-2022 -five percent, for 2022-2023 seven percent, and nine percent for the period 2023 to 2024.

According to Seargent Andrew Jr, the high inflation, and the cost of living are the reasons behind what they are seeking.

“Members are saying that the cost of goods on the shelf has increased significantly along with the cost of various services which is becoming unbearable for members hence the request for 21 percent for the three years,” Andrew stated.

“The decision to arrive at this figure came from our members and also in consultation with an economist. We are also asking that the Special Constables (some have served for 10, 15, and 20 plus years) in some circumstances that be transited into the regular police force.”

He continued, “These officers have served outstandingly and with distinction over the years, and what we have seen in most of the regional forces, they have been integrated into the regular police force, so we are requesting the same to be done here in Dominica which will be an enhancement to the Police force in Dominica.”

He also revealed that the PWA is also requesting that a “high-risk allowance” be paid to all officers across the board since officers are faced with a high level of criminality irrelevant to whatever department or section they work hence this allowance should encompass all officers.