Home Government APP statement on the December 6, 2022 General Elections

APP statement on the December 6, 2022 General Elections

APP Blanchard
Tahira Blanchard APP

The announcement on Sunday 6th November 2022 by the Honourable Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit of “Snap” General Elections in Dominica for December 6th 2022 came as a great surprise to all Dominicans including the majority of his own party supporters.

The Prime Minister sought to justify the calling of General Elections constitutionally due in 2025 (more than 3 years away) in a very deceptive manner, to say the least. There can be absolutely no justification or reasoning for calling such elections in the national interest, but clearly to advance his own personal and selfish political agenda.

This decision by the Prime Minister to call elections almost 3 years before they are constitutionally due against the following background dismisses any arguments he may wish to advance to justify his rather unfortunate and disrespectful decision to impose participation in an election on the people in a system that he knows is flawed:

  1. His own promises to undertake electoral reform from the 2014 General Election and more so his “within 100 days” promise after the 2019 General Election.
  • The appointment of Sir Denis Byron, retired Chief Justice of the CCJ as a one-man Commissioner to advise and make recommendations for electoral reform which were well on track with correspondence from him to the Leader of the Opposition on the same date of the Prime Minister’s announcement.
  • The opinion of the Caribbean Court of Justice, the APEX court of Dominica, in a written Decision that in its opinion “…. there remains areas of grave concerns about how the process of these elections (2019 General Elections) was conducted. Future Elections in Dominica ought not to proceed with these or similar taints…”
  • In light of the foregoing, there was a legitimate expectation by the people of Dominica and in particular the opposition Parties for such critical reforms to be undertaken with ample time to do so before any future General elections in Dominica.
  • The action of the Prime Minister must be seen as an abuse of his constitutional power and an attack on the core of our democracy which will have far-reaching implications for future generations. What is even more concerning and alarming is the support of his cabinet, candidates, and the entire rank and file of the Labour Party who seem to have surrendered their patriotism to him unconditionally and without shame or remorse.
  • It is disturbing and disheartening that one man, indeed one man, is allowed to stand taller than the constitution of this country and is allowed to insult and disrespect the people of Dominica including a large number of his apparently unsuspecting supporters with impunity. 
  • Notwithstanding his unprincipled and immoral decision to impose unnecessary and costly General Elections on the backs of many a suffering Dominican, his action is permitted under law. Since violence and disorder is not wise option to force the President to advise the Prime Minister to revoke his Election order, it would be prudent for the opposition and patriotic Dominicans who are able to, offer themselves to the electorate in this General election.
  • Although there is little or no confidence in the fairness and transparency of the present electoral system, it would be foolhardy to allow the Dominica Labour Party, all 21 parliamentary seats with total loss of constitutional representation by the opposition or the immersion of a sham opposition likely orchestrated by him. The Prime Minister has demonstrated both in his utterances and actions that he is bent on turning Dominica into a one-party state and he is in full gear towards a total dictatorship in this country.  
  • While we as a politically oppressed people hold our breath that Sir Denis Byron’s electoral reform report will be finally delivered and implemented without further controversy and delay, we do not believe it is fair or sensible to disenfranchise the 16,000 plus Dominicans who supported the opposition in the last General Elections to the glory and satisfaction of the unrepentant Prime Minister.
  • Accordingly, all abled and suitable men and women of this great land are hereby called upon to offer themselves for service to their country to save it from the tyranny of an impending dictatorship by offering themselves as candidates in this election!
  • There should be a unified theme and message by all contestants of the opposition which should seek to expose the dishonesty of the Prime Minister and the urgency to save the country from an impending dictatorship. 
  • The fair people of this country and in particular the supporters of the Labour party are called upon to put the country first before the party and before the leader! You owe it to your children and grandchildren, to save and preserve our democratic way of life which our forefathers fought and died for the future generations!
  • The message for this election must be to punish the Prime Minister by resoundingly rejecting him and all his surrogates at the polls! He must be taught a lesson in humility and be told in no uncertain terms that this country does not belong to him, but to the people and that he will not be allowed to entrench himself in power by any means necessary like the dictators that he seeks to emulate!
  • In his message to the people of God in Dominica, Roman Catholic Church Deacon, Jeffers Paul, could not have said it better, I quote:
  • “The calling of this snap General Elections in Dominica in 2022 is a test for the people of God. It is a test of the integrity of the people of God. It is a choice between good and evil, right and wrong. It is not a constitutional test because the calling of such an election is constitutionally legal. However, what may be constitutionally legal may not necessarily be moral.
  • It is a test to see whether the people of God will choose politics over principle or dishonesty over integrity. This is a battle for the conscience of the people of God. This is beyond politics, this is beyond party colours, this is a battle for righteousness, peace, and justice….”
  • God Bless the people of Dominica. God Bless Dominica.