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Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ

Christmas Message from Acting Political Leader of Alternative People’s Party (APP) Tahira Blanchard

Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Luke 2:11 states, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. As a people, as we celebrate Christmas, I want us to reflect on the values that Jesus Christ represented because the teachings of Christ are fundamental to us. 1st Corinthians 13 states, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

As a people and as a nation let us stay true to the teachings of Christ and show love to each other. Let us give generously to the less fortunate and let us be a voice on their behalf. Visit the sick, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, clothe those who are without and let the love of Christ be manifested through our actions.

As we celebrate Christmas, I urge you the people of Dominica to continue to take responsibility for your health and safety and to adhere to the covid protocols. Let us continue to fight this pandemic together.

It is not easy to say Merry Christmas to you the people of Dominica as there is not much within the economy to feel merry about. So, I ask you to focus on the gift of life and health that God has given to us. Be encouraged to focus on the positives that we have accomplished as a people and to believe if we all unite, support, and show love and compassion for each other that we can have hope for a brighter future. Let us dedicate our Country to God, pray for all our leaders that they can use wisdom as they lead the people and that they can have a conscience when making decisions on behalf of the people.

God Bless you, God Bless Dominica, and have a Merry Christmas.