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HomeDisasterDaily weather forecast valid 6 am December 30th, 2021

Daily weather forecast valid 6 am December 30th, 2021

Synopsis: Weak unstable conditions are affecting the area

Forecast for Today and Tonight:

Partly cloudy and occasionally breezy with a few showers at first, becoming mostly cloudy and breezy with scattered showers

Wind: North easterly to Easterly @ 15 to 35 km/h

Sea Conditions: Moderate in open water

Waves: 1.5 to 2.0 meters or 5.0 to 7.0 feet.

Warning/Advisory: Small-craft operators and sea-bathers along the eastern coastline are advised to exercise some caution

Sunrise: 6:30 AM

Sunset: 5:45 PM

Low Tide: 5:47 AM and 7:27 PM

High Tide: 12:59 AM and 12:03 PM

Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles

Valid from: 6:00 AM on Thursday, December 30, 2021

A southward moving shear line is expected to produce an increase in cloudiness with some scattered showers, mainly across the northern and central portions of the Lesser Antilles, during the next 24 hours.

Moderate seas are anticipated during the next 24 hours, with waves peaking to 7.0ft. Small craft operators and sea bathers along the eastern coastline should exercise some caution due to north-easterly swells.