The nation’s youth can look forward to an exciting and engaging opportunity to be heard and engaged in national issues affecting them this March 2022. In order to promote the youth parliament program, the National Youth Council of Dominica in conjunction with the House of Assembly has launched the National Youth Parliament (NYP) Call for thirty-one (31) youth parliamentarians.
The National Youth Parliament of Dominica is structured to encourage active citizenship among the youth and promote involvement in democracy and governance; analyze and provide feedback from a youth perspective on statements, Ministry papers, green papers, and Bills before the Houses of Parliament; and promote youth mainstreaming into national policies, strategies, and programmes.

President of the NYCD Ashma McDougall commented on the initiative noting “we are eager for the first-ever NYCD organized National Youth Parliament of Dominica and the youth should capitalize on the opportunity that this platform provides for our engagement and participation in critical national issues. The youth parliamentarians will go through several months of training, where they will be exposed to proper research techniques.

They will be able to really delve into what the Government is doing, so that it can support their presentations and they can make their suggestions, [these] are really things that may be happening or a critique of what may be happening, nationally. They’ll actually debate in Parliament in March 2022, so that is one of the biggest things to look forward to this March,” she added.
Throughout their one-year tenure, the Youth Parliamentarians will receive training in the areas of public speaking, parliamentary procedure, policy paper writing and policy review, project management, and speech writing. Thirty-one (31) youth parliamentarians will be selected from the short-listed applicants and will be able to really delve into national youth issues.
Under the purview of the House of Assembly Motto: Youth Representing Youth Positively National Youth Council of Dominica 42 Kennedy Avenue Roseau, Dominica Tel: 1 767 -448-6944 Email: admin@nycdominica.org Website: www.nycdominica.com and the NYP Committee, they will develop work plans to focus on youth development projects in their communities, constituencies, districts, and villages while preparing for the sitting of the Youth Parliament as a part of the annual Youth Month activities in October.

McDougall has also mentioned that traditionally Youth Parliament was a parliamentary procedure to commemorate Commonwealth Day Activities among students within the secondary and tertiary schools, however, this focus is more rigorous and intense as youth will be engaged in intensive training in parliamentary procedure to participate in the annual mock sitting held at the House of Assembly.
Youth between the ages of 16 – 35 are encouraged to apply by submitting their forms available on the Facebook and Instagram pages. First Vice President Phael Lander has also conveyed his excitement and eagerness to host the NYP in March 2022, “we wish to extend the call to the youth organizations, councils, service clubs and nationally out to all youth across the length and breadth of Dominica to submit nominations. We are certain that we will have a formidable team of youth parliamentarians who will serve over the next year.
We are going to the National House of Assembly and look forward to receiving many applications and look forward to hearing from youth as we take it to Parliament in March 2022” The NYP is currently organized under the direction of the House of Assembly, Ministry of Education and Youth Development Division.
The NYP Committee has been responsible for overviewing the structure of the NYP and has tasked a Selection Committee with the role of selecting the thirty-one (31) from the pool of applicants. Interested youth are asked to submit their applications of interest via https://forms.gle/WAfntZuCJ4JNMNzu5 and to refer to the National Youth Council of Dominica’s Facebook or Instagram pages for more information.
Applicants can also reach out to the National Youth Council Office at admin@nycdominica.org or contact +1(767)448-6944 for more information. Applications are welcomed until Monday, January 17th, 2022.