Philliamson Rocque aged 30 years old of Mortin Grandbay now must find four thousand dollars to pay to the court or he will have to spend 15 months in jail for his acts of indiscretion.
Rocque, who appeared before Chief Magistrate Candia Carette George on August 23, 2022, pleaded guilty to two charges of battery on police, assault on police, and drug trafficking.
The Facts of the case
The police mounted an operation which some dubbed “operation Mortin” on August 20, 2022, where they executed search warrants on the home of several individuals including Rocque.
At 5:45 am on the said date, they went to his home, and after knocking on his door, and getting his attention read to him and showed him the search warrant in his name. Asked if he had anything illegal at his home, he replied “no.”
On commencing the search, he became very aggressive, insulting, and abusive towards the police officers and despite several warnings to behave he continued. He then spat on a police officer, kicked him, and pointed his fingers in his face.
“Do what the f%@$ you want, I hate all you, I am not afraid of all you,” he told the police. He was then informed that he had assaulted and beaten a police officer while in the lawful execution of duties and was then arrested and placed in handcuffs. As the search continued, he had to be cautioned by his mom and girlfriend who lives with him. During the search of his room a clear plastic bag containing alleged cannabis was found and, when asked about it stated, “this is my weed to smoke.”
He was told that it appears to be more than the 28 grams as legislated, and he will be arrested. The search continued but nothing more was found. He was arrested and taken to Police Headquarters where the drugs were weighed and amounted to 160 grams with a street value of $350.00.
At Police Headquarters he apologized to the police for his actions, “I am sorry for spitting on you, I allowed my emotions to get the better of me I promise you that this will not happen again,” he told the police.
His lawyer Kondwani Williams told the court that his client was “remorseful for his actions, had apologized to the police, and is gainfully employed.”
“He will soon be a father, he was in shock when the police arrived to search his house, and hence, he flipped but was man enough to apologize for his actions, we agree that his behaviour was unbecoming and after being in custody for the past three nights he has had time to reflect on his actions,” Williams told the court. He also pointed out that his client was “a first-time offender” and asked the court not to impose a custodial sentence on him.
“The quality of the cannabis is low grade and cost just $350.00, he had it at his home for his use and consumption, he is a young and productive man give him a chance to go back in society, I ask that in the circumstances you be lenient on him,” he said.
Chief Magistrate Carette-George told him that his guilty plea goes to his credit and the fact that he is also a first-time offender. However, she frowned on him for his assault and battery on the police. “Your spate at the police who are there to uphold law and order, your actions are very disrespectful,” she said.
For the charge of drug trafficking, he was fined $1,000.00 in default fine months jail, assault on police $1,500.00 to be paid by November 30, 2022, in default five months, on the first charge of battery on police no separate penalty and on the other charge on battery on police $1,500.00 to be paid by January 31, 2023, in default 5 months.
“Stay away from trouble, you have a baby on the way go and take care of your child,” she told him.
Tell them police go and find real work to do. Where kernisha?? Stupes