DATE: Thursday 16th November 2023
Time: 7:30 am to 01:30 pm
Fond Canie, Louisville, Silver Lake, Bath Estate
Fond Cole Industrial Area, Stockfarm, Yampiece, Bellevue Rawle, Gutter, Tarish Pit, Gutter Village, Upper Federation Drive (from Princess Lane to Eden’s Lane), Terrill’s Lane, Rose Street, Dupigny Lane, Grant’s Lane, Franklyn Lane, Francis Lane, Jules Lane, Churchill Lane, James Lane, Jepson’s Lane, Monroe’s Street, Eden’s Lane and St. Aroment.
Entrance of Portsmouth, Portsmouth Central, George Town, Long House, Glanvillia, Balvin, American-Canadian School of Medicine, Lizard Trail, Banana Trail, Coconut Beach, Picard, Tebaie and Dublanc.
Time: 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Bourne, Dos D’Ane, Paix Bouche, Moore Park, Blenheim, Belmanier, Thibaud, Vieille Case, Penville, Lahaut, Delaforde, Anse Soldat, Anse de Mai, Bense, Hampstead, Calibishie
Hodges, Woodford Hill, Wesley, Londonderry, Melville Hall, Marigot and North End
Time: 05:00 pm to 09:30 pm
Independence Street (between Great Marlborough Street and River St),
Hillsborough Street (between Independence St and Great George St),
Upper Lane (between River Bank and Cork St),
River Street (between Independence St and Old Street),
River Bank (between Independence St and Hanover Street),
Kings Lane (between River Bank and Hillsborough Street),
Great Marlborough Street (between Financial Center compound and Great George St),
Great George Street (between Hillsborough St and River Bank)
DATE: Friday 17th November, 2023
Time: 7:30 am to 01:30 pm
Entrance of Checkhall), 1st to 08th and 12th to 15th Streets (Canefield), Roger, Checkhall Valley, Antrim, Cochrane, Springfield, Sylvania, Despor, Riviere La Croix, Ansi Crete, Corona, Pond Casse, Penrice, Brandridge, Belles, Wet Area, Neiba, Soultan & Layou Park.
Castle Comfort, Wallhouse, Beau Bois, Badineau, Lahaut Loubiere, Snug Corner, Bellevue Chopin, Morne Lofty, Pichelin, Pointe Michel, Anse Soufriere, Soufriere Sulfur Spring, Brooklyn, Gallion, Scotts Head, Ravine Bananne, Grand Coulibrie, Powell, Montin, Tete Morne, Geneva Housing Scheme, Berrekua, Grand Bay, Maranatha Square, Hagley, Stowe, Pointe Carib, Fond St. Jean, Bagatelle and Fab
Time: 1:00 pm-05:30 pm
Bioche, Plat Ma Pierre, Mero, Salisbury, Jimmit West, Jimmit Highway, Colihaut, Colihaut quarry, Morne Rachette and St. Joseph.
Fond Cole Industrial Area, Ravine Cocque, Griffin Lane, Goodwill Road (from Woodbridge Bay to the entrance of St. Alphonsus Catholic Church), Lower Stockfarm Road, Tarish Pit, Gutter Village, Didier Lane, Leblanc Lane, Rawles Lane, Felix Lane, Watty’s Lane, Bower’s Lane, Benjamin’s Lane, Jolly’s Lane, Charles Avenue, McIntyre Lane (including the DCFH).
Time: 05:00 pm to 09:30 pm
Bath Road (between King George V Street and Kennedy Avenue), Boyd’s Avenue, Cork Street (between Great George Street and Bath Road), Upper Field’s Lane, Independence Street (between Great Marlborough Street and King George V Street), Great George Street (between Hillsborough Street and Cork Street)