The National Co-operative Credit Union Ltd (NCCU) presented 19 scholarships to deserving students bringing its total of scholarship awarded to 81.
Delivering remarks at the ceremony, acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NCCU Curth Charles told those present that NCCU not only aims to provide the highest quality of financial products and services but also strives to be a supportive and contributing partner to the communities that they serve. This he said is emphasized by their newly updated brand tagline ‘Your Community Financial Partner’.
“Of course, we can never forget that our institution would not be where it is today and the ability to award reliable and timely scholarships would not be possible if it was not for our dedicated and loyal members who continue to make us their financial partner and has made us into the financial service leader on the island and in the OECS,” he said.
Therefore, he says, the NCCU continues to remain committed to actively improving the quality of life of the young minds in the communities, especially the children of its membership.
“We ensure that the required financial support is provided to our scholarship recipients so that they can achieve their full potential in Secondary School Education. Students, as you begin your journey in pursuit of your Secondary School Education, I urge you to always remember that a good education is the foundation for any career path that you choose,” the CEO acting stated.

He continued, “I encourage you to keep your head up, with a positive attitude, and keep moving by FAITH and not by fear and anxiety. I know it is not always easy to excel in secondary school and if you find yourself being challenged by any subject, I urge you to put in the extra work which is required. Not all of us were as bright as the student sitting next to us in the classroom but we made it.”
- We made it by: *Doing our homework,
- Studying hard for every test even if it’s not our favourite subject
- Showing up to school on time, * Paying attention in class
- Completing our assignments on time,
- Participating in school activities and
- Staying out of trouble
“We did it and let me encourage you that you can surely make it as well. Set your own goals for your education, use the resources available to you, and concentrate on your school work. Do not waste your time on social media, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook, but keep your Focus on your education.”
He called on the parents and Guardians, to support these students along the way; however, the journey has just begun. “I urge you to take an active role in your children’s education. You have a financial commitment from the NCCU, but their secondary school journey goes beyond their financial needs. You must commit to showering them with the support and love that is needed throughout their journey. Take interest in their academic and social life and always encourage them to stay in line, on the right path,” he said.
“I am confident that all of our 19 students here today, will excel in their studies and extra-curricular activities as they are bright, motivated, technologically inclined, and hardworking. They have also been taught the important traits of kindness, compassion, and responsibility and they have a perfect opportunity to make a positive impact on their lives, their family, and Dominica by extension. In keeping in line with our corporate principles NCCU Ltd. has committed to helping you, our deserving young men and women to succeed, and we will continue to do so well into your future. We are so proud of all our scholarship recipients who we know will become hardworking contributing members of our community for years to come. See you at the TOP!”
Also addressing the students and parents was the President of the NCCU McDowill Paul who also shared words of support and encouragement to them.