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HomeNews DeskCourtsDPP discontinues matter against Indian fugitive Mehul Choksi

DPP discontinues matter against Indian fugitive Mehul Choksi

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) (AG) in Dominica Sherma Dalrymple has issued a “notice of discontinuance” against Indian fugitive Mehul Choksi who was charged for alleged “illegal entry into Dominica on May 24, 2021.”

The 63-year-old diamond tycoon who gained citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda is wanted by the Indian judicial authorities for allegedly cheating the Punjab National Bank of over two billion US dollars, one of India’s largest bank fraud cases in decades.

The circumstances surrounding the mysterious appearance of Choksi on a remote beach in Dominica remain a mystery.

His attorneys alleged that he was “kidnapped, beaten and unwillingly brought to Dominica, the police claim that he entered the shores illegally on May 24, 2021”.

Nature Isle News (NIN) can confirm that an Antigua Police interim report on the kidnapping of fugitive Indian-origin diamond merchant Mehul Choksi – kept under wraps for 11 months – is no longer secret.

Choksi was granted bail in the sum of $10,000.00 in July 2021 to travel to Antigua and Barbuda for specialized medical attention not available in Dominica as recommended by medical authorities.

Following the discontinuation of criminal proceedings in Dominica against Indian-born businessman Mehul Choksi in relation to what was alleged to be his illegal entry into the country,

A spokesperson for Mehul Choksi commented: “Mr. Choksi is pleased that the Dominican Government has today dropped all charges against him for unlawful entry in May 2021. By doing so they now recognise that there was never any case against him. Mr. Choksi was forcibly removed from Antigua against his will by agents of the Indian State, viciously assaulted, and taken to Dominica by boat, where he was again unlawfully handed over to authorities for an offense he never committed. Mr. Choksi’s legal team continues to pursue all avenues for justice to redress the human rights violations committed against him. Mr. Choksi hopes that those responsible for his kidnapping from Antigua on May 23rd, 2021, will be brought to justice.”

The application for judicial review in the Choksi matter which was filed has also been discontinued.