A temporary stay has been granted to 38 Haitian nationals who were arrested by the police for illegal entry into Dominica.
The government had indicated that all those who were illegal would be repatriated back to their country once the legal process was completed. However, it came as a surprise to many when the Haitians who were secured under police escort at a special housing facility in Portsmouth were escorted to the Douglas Charles Airport on August 12, 2020, to be sent back to their country.

Acting on instructions, attorney at law Wayne Norde had to hurriedly petition the high court to get a temporary stay preventing the Chief Immigration Officer from sending them back.
“All I know is that we were issued with a court order prohibiting us from repatriating the Haitians and so the chartered aircraft remains at the airport pending the outcome of the matter,” an individual with inside information on the matter disclosed.
Lawyer for the Haitians Wayne Norde was tasked with putting certain documents before the court so as the judge would hear and make a full determination on the matter after the government has presented its case.
In the meantime, the temporary stay is expected to remain in force for the next 24-48 hours pending the decision of the court.
On who’s instructions was Wayne acting? The Punjabi circus master is concerned for the wrath of the legal Haitians, so he must be infusing himself in the process instead of allowing the legal process to follow the laws of the land and see these illegals sent back to their country. Dominica has ceased being a country of laws. How I wished Skerritt had joined the Jaycees organization where he could have learned something because they just gave him the honorary degree and he didn’t have to learn anything to get it.