The 1987 graduating students of the Dominica Grammar School (DGS) have taken on a mentorship programme at the school and given a few scholarships to 5th form students to assist them in their CXC exams.
At a brief ceremony held on the grounds of the DGS on November 2, 2020, Daniel James speaking on behalf of the group stated that it was “a joy and pleasure as former students to give back and assist those in need at the school.”
“This is just a token of our appreciation for walking through these halls and being taught by the many teachers and being what we are today is because of this our Alma Mata the Dominica Grammar School,” James said.
Two scholarships on merit and need were given to fifth form students to assist them in their CXC examinations.
Principal of the school Alicia Jean-Jacques expressed her gratitude to the past students and call on the recipients to make good use of the donations. “I say a sincere thank you to you on behalf of the students and hope that when they get to your age and positions they will also give back,” Jean Jacques stated.