As Tropical Storm Gonzalo threatens to dump several inches of rain on the island, Dominicans are being urged to ensure maximum preparation.
This advice has come from National Security Minister, Rayburn Blackmoore. In an update to the nation earlier today, Minister Blackmoore assured the public that while there is a need to be prepared, citizens must not press the panic button.
However, he urged the citizenry to stock up on essential supplies such as canned food and adequate water. He also indicated that homeowners should make a thorough inspection of their properties and to secure the same.
Hurricane shelters, he said, would be opened over the weekend if the need arises. Blackmore, who also has responsibilities for disaster preparedness added that extreme cautioned should be taken when venturing out this weekend.
He also advised that persons should keep COVID-19 in mind when making the necessary preparations.

Tropical Storm Gonzalo is en route to the Lesser Antilles and may become a hurricane before reaching the Windward Islands this weekend. Gonzalo is the earliest seventh named storm to form in the Atlantic.
Gonzalo is moving at 65 mph and may become a Category One hurricane as early as Friday morning.
Barbados has been placed under a hurricane watch.
This is misleading.
At no time did the National Hurricane Centre ever forecast Gonzalo to be ANYWHERE near Dominica. The closest point of approach that Gonzalo came to Dominica during the entire forecast period was 542 miles – and rainbands DID NOT stretch for 542 miles.