National Security & Home Affairs Minister Rayburn Blackmoore says that Dominica will soon be reviewing its immigration act.
His comments were made in light of the number of Haitians on the island who he claims entered the country through “illegal means.” Blackmoore says that while the laws will “remain humane, but is more stringent to allow the state to remove anyone who does not adhere to the laws of the country.”
According to him, it was not a case of “victimization against the Haitian people” since they were not the only ones involve and don’t own boats.
“The Haitian people, in large measures, are hardworking and law-abiding people most of who have blended nicely among the Dominican people,” he said.
“The Commonwealth of Dominica like every other country in the world has the sovereign right to keep safe it’s most precious resource its citizens. Even before COVID-19, Dominica waged a constant battle with persons, including its own nationals entering our shore illegally.”
“But now, it’s a greater matter of concern with the advent of COVID-19. It should also be borne in mind that the outbreak of COVID-19 is not the only concern but across fertilization of crime because the same people trafficking humans are the same who do the illegal firearms and drugs.”
He continued, “This is why when the police apprehended 39 none nationals on Monday, August 3rd, 2020 for attempting to leave the state illegally immediate action was taken to have them remove from our shores as a matter of urgency and in the interest of national security.”
“A few days later 11 additional persons were further apprehended bringing the total to 50. Efforts to have them removed were delayed by a high court injunction. This is a nation of high ideals and civilized notions and is proof that every alien once brought before the court can have access to natural justice and fair treatment.
“Take heed, that to date, 42 of the non-nationals who violated our laws have been ordered to be removed from our country and this is the right of the state to protect its borders and its people,” Blackmoore said.