The dust has settled and Nature Isle News (NIN) can confirm that of the 21 constituencies, six of them as of the close of nomination day November 18, 2022, have been declared for the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) since only DLP candidates were nominated.
These constituencies are Paix Bouche, Vieille Case, Cottage, Colihaut, Petite Savanne, and Roseau Valley.
There will be voting in 15 constituencies, Salisbury, St. Joseph, Soufriere, Roseau South, Grand Bay, Roseau Central, Portsmouth, La Plaine, Castle Bruce, Mahaut, Grand Fond, Roseau North, Salybia, Marigot, and Wesley.
Nature Isle News (NIN) will give you the names of the candidates in another bulletin.
The DLP is contesting all 21 constituencies while the United Workers Party (UWP) and the Dominica Freedom Party (DFP) have taken a decision to boycott the polls.
This Election is legitimate / legal like all other past election. What make an election illegal is one that contravene election laws. Can someone identify anyone of these laws that were broken?
Well done DFP and UWP, history will show that you stood your ground. Unborn Dominicans will read it in the history books when they are written. The names of the leaders of these Parties will go down as the Nelson Mandelas of Dominica!!!!!!!