The Trade Union movement in Dominica is mourning the loss of Alvin T. Serrant former President of the Waterfront & Allied Workers Union (WAWU). Serrant died earlier this week after a long battle with illness.
Born on July 6, 1949, Serrant along with the late Kertiste Augustus, Patrick R. John, and Louis Benoit became household names in the trade union movement in Dominica as they championed the cause of stevedore and Longshoremen working at the Port.

Nature Isle News (NIN) extends condolences to the family and friends of Alvin Serrant and the members of the Waterfront & Allied Workers Union (WAWU) where he played a significant role in championing the plight of port workers.

Alvin Serrant at the funeral of the late Kertiste Augustus in 2021.