Home News Desk News Blackmoore upset about illegal entry

Blackmoore upset about illegal entry

Rayburn Blackmoore National Security Minister
Dominica's National Security Minister Rayburn Blackmoore at a press conference August 10, 2020

National Security Minister Rayburn Blackmoore said he was very upset as to what is happening in the country as it relates to the people entering and leaving Dominica illegally through the back door.

He labeled those responsible for such actions as “dangerous and wicked” with no love for citizens of the country.

“Those coming through the backdoor are the biggest threat to us, and I have been given the assurance by the chief that the coast guard will be more vigilant in patrolling our waters…it is done by our nationals and also the Haitians,” he said.

According to Blackmoore it is the collective responsibility of everyone to in to stem this situation. “Those coming in illegally are coming from hotspots and therefore pose a very serious threat to all of us. These people are dangerous and wicked…if you know of anyone who came through the backdoor you have a moral responsibility to report them to the police and also those who are harboring them. When someone comes through the back door you don’t know what they are carrying, it could be drugs or COVID-19.”

“If you transport and habour someone coming in through the backdoor you are also criminally responsibly. This virus has no face with its intention to kill. We have done well but we need to be on guard when you come in illegally you show total disregard for your loved ones. Work with the police.”

He warned that “Everyone who was found entering illegally once you are not a Dominican will be sent right back to your country. You will not be kept at the prison at the expense of the state. We shall not tolerate the blatant disregard for the rule of law. Dominicans are also coming in through the backdoor, it’s a war against all and the people have a right to retaliate.”