Valid from: 6:00 AM on Monday, December 9, 2024
Synopsis: A high-pressure system is the dominant feature
Forecast for Today and Tonight:
Partly cloudy to cloudy and breezy with some light to moderate scattered showers
Wind: ENE to ESE @ 15 to 35 km/h with higher gusts

Sea Conditions: Moderate
Waves: 1.0 to 2.0 meters or 3.0 to 7.0 feet.
Warning/Advisory: A Small Craft Advisory is in effect
Sunrise: 6:21 AM
Sunset: 5:35 PM
Low Tide: 3:49 AM and 4:37 PM
High Tide: 10:10 AM and 10:55 PM
Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles
Valid from: 6:00 AM on Monday, December 9, 2024
A ridge pattern has become the dominant feature across the area. Low-level clouds moving with the wind flow are expected to result in cloudy spells with scattered light to moderate showers. People in areas prone to flooding, landslides, and falling rocks should be on alert and exercise caution.
A gradual improvement in wave heights to near 7ft is expected today. A small craft advisory will remain in effect today for above-normal seas, especially along the east. Sea users should stay on alert and exercise caution.