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“Christmas proclaims the awesome truth that the human person is loved by God”Most Reverend Kendrick J. Forbes, Bishop of Roseau

2024 Christmas Message from Most Reverend Kendrick J. Forbes, Bishop of Roseau

Beloved in Christ,
The Christmas season provides me with the opportunity to extend heartfelt good wishes to all. I pray that this season will bring the blessing of peace to your hearts and homes.
The first reading at Christmas Mass at night is invariably taken from the Prophet Isaiah. The Prophet proclaims, “The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwell in the land of gloom a light has shone. … For a child is born to us, a son is given us; upon his shoulder dominion rests. They name him Wonder Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace.”(Isaiah 9:1,5)

This is the message of Christmas! The joyful, hopeful message that God is with us! Isaiah says, “A child is born for us.” Christmas is about the invisible God becoming visible. The divine becoming human. The message of Christmas is relayed beautifully in the Carol, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” One verse in particular gives voice to the true meaning of Christmas, “Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see; Hail the incarnate Deity. Please as man with man to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel.”
Christmas is about the Eternal Word of God, the Only Son of God, assuming our human nature. He came speaking the language of self-giving love. He came to reveal to us that God is love.

He came to show us the way of love, the way of truth, the way of life. When God entered our world clothed in human flesh, that humble act said something profound about the human person; that wounded by sin though we may be, imperfect though we are, in God’s eye we are GOOD, and we are LOVED.

Christmas proclaims the awesome truth that the human person is loved by God to such a degree that the Infinite One would lower himself to invite us back into communion with him. Christmas is first and foremost about love. God’s love for us. The amazing love of God calls us to neighborly concern, generosity, and unselfish love. The love we are meant to share is to reflect the love God has for us.

This time of year can be joyous for some and a struggle for others. There is the joy of gathering with family and friends. But the season can be a struggle for those who are alone, who have lost loved ones, and those who go without the necessities of life. I encourage us to show God’s love and peace to all, most especially to those for whom the joy of Christmas is elusive.
Dear brothers and sisters, it is my fervent prayer that you will have a blessed and wonderful Christmas and that each and everyone will know the truth that God is not distant and that Jesus Christ is born for our good and the salvation of the whole world.
May the Lord’s peace be upon us.
May you have a Blessed Christmas, filled with peace, joy, and love. As pilgrims of hope let us journey together throughout the Jubilee New Year 2025.