DOMLEC advises customers in the áreas listed below of interruptions in their power supply

DATE: Tuesday 19th September 2023
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Áreas affected
Entrance listed Portsmouth, Sections of Portsmouth Central, India River, George Town, Long House, Glanvillia, Balvin, Ross University, Lizard Trail, Banana Trail, Coconut Beach, Picard, Tebaie and Dublanc.
Time: 3:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Canefield, Massacre, Check Hall, Les Pointe, Back Street, Mahaut, Belfast Roads, Belfast, Popo, Bon Repos, Zabrico, Campbel, Antrim, Cochrane, Springfield, Sylvania, Despor, Riviere La Croix, Ansi Crete, Corona, Pond Casse, Penrice, Brandridge, Belles, Wet Area, Neiba, Soultan, Layou
DOMLEC thanks you for your understanding and regrets any inconvenience caused.
Please note that these áreas and times may be subject to change.